In the 85th episode of Unstoppable Equestrian, I share the first of five Competition Warm Up Tips.
This tip I explain the 3 types of Warm Up Riders you find at Competitions.
These 3 different riders are the states we can show up in when we are not riding at our best in the warmup arena. Which one are you?
- The Nervous Nelly
- The Self-Doubt Sally
- The Quick to Snap Kelly
Hopefully, you can relate to one or more of these 3 different types of riders!
If you struggle with staying focused and relaxed in warm-up arenas, you might be interested in my online course ‘Ride Confident Warm Ups’.
Enjoy your next ride!
P.S. If you missed the last episode of Unstoppable Equestrian you can click here to go back & watch it!