Mindset Coaching is a one-on-one session held over the phone, where Danielle Pooles calls you directly at a pre-booked time to guide and mentor you through the challenges you are facing in your riding.
During your phone coaching sessions, you can expect to work through many different topics. Ranging from overcoming competition nerves and fears, learning how to grow your mindset and body language to improve relaxation and connection with your horse, goal setting, and much more.
Scroll down to watch a video where I answer your questions about how mindset coaching can help you.
One-Off Session (1hr) $100
3 Sessions (Paid upfront) $250
Saving $50. The 3 sessions can be booked at any time over a 6-month period.
Laser Session (20 mins) $50
A quick laser session to get you in the correct mindset before your competition.
Package 1: Competition Mindset Coaching
Supporting you before, during & after your next competition.
- 2x 1hr Phone Coaching Sessions
- Session 1: One to two weeks before competition day
- Session 2: In the week after your competition day
- 1x 30mins Phone Coaching Session
- To use the day before or the morning of your competition day
- Access to ‘Ride Confident Warm Ups’ online course
- Text message support throughout your competition day
Total cost = $250
Package 2: Fear &/or Motivation Coaching
Overcome your riding fears, or re-create the motivation & drive to get back in the saddle consistently.
- 3x 1hr Phone Coaching Sessions
- Access to your choice of one of the four online courses
- Follow-up/check-in messages
Total cost = $250
Package 3: Mindset Coaching in & out of the Saddle
Local? Then a combination of riding lessons & mindset coaching sessions will take your riding to the next level.
- 2x 1hr Phone Coaching Sessions
- 3x 45min Riding Lessons
- Access to your choice of one of the four online courses
- Follow-up/check-in messages
Total cost = $370 (payment plans available)
Package 4: The Mindset Overhaul!
No mucking around, you are ready to transform your riding mindset with consistent weekly or fortnightly coaching sessions.
- 3 to 6 months of 1:1 Mindset Coaching
- 12x weekly or fortnightly Phone Coaching Sessions
- Access to your choice of two of the four online courses
- Email and text message support
Total cost = $960 (weekly payment plans available)
To book your phone coaching session with Danielle CLICK HERE
“My mindset towards competing has changed so much since working with Danielle via Phone Coaching. I have a much calmer and relaxed approach on competition day, and if I make mistakes in the test I am now able to move on and focus on the next movement!”
Melissa Taafe – EA Advanced Dressage Rider
Watch the below video to get answers to questions about Mindset Performance Coaching over the phone and how it can help you.
To book your phone coaching session with Danielle CLICK HERE
Like other sports in life, success in Dressage is also based on 80% mindset training and 20% physical training.
You could be sitting on an amazing horse, or be a very talented rider, but if you are not able to get your mind in the right place when under pressure at a competition, then the talent and ability of your horses will be wasted as you will not be able to ride relaxed, confidently, or focused. Therefore, you will not be able to give your horse the leadership it needs from you, often leading to a tense, nervous horse in the Dressage arena.
By working with a Performance Coach you not only get to improve your riding skills but more importantly improve your mindset and body language skills so you can learn how to harness the thoughts and focus required to ride at your best on competition day.
Coaching Sessions are held over the phone, offering convenience and accessibility no matter where in the world you are!
Suited to riders at any level and aged 15 years and up.
Some topic examples that come up often in mindset coaching are:
- Overcoming riding fears
- Competition performance nerves
- Competition mindset preparation
- Learning how to focus & ride in the moment
- Dealing with past falls or negative experiences
- Goal Setting
- Creating motivation & empowering habits
To book your phone coaching session with Danielle CLICK HERE
Do you ever feel that you are letting yourself and your horse down?
You have been training all year for this big competition and you want to perform to your best, however, your mind seems to have other ideas. You become tense and nervous?
Maybe you find your horse shying just before entering the ring, or worse, he is so tense and against you in the ring that you feel like you have a different horse underneath you.
Our horses are so sensitive and I truly believe that we create nearly all of the positive and negative results that our horses give us through our thoughts and body language.
Through my studies as a NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner and more than 18 years of analysing my own performances and watching my clients and competitors I understand how important it is for the rider to be able to control their own emotions like nerves, fears and frustration so that we do not pass these emotions onto our horses.
This is where Equestrian Performance Coaching comes in. When we look at the elite riders in our disciplines, like Charlotte Dujardin, Edward Gal or Maree Tomkinson, they will all have three things in common, they are dedicated, determined and know how to control their nerves, fears and frustration.
Through Equestrian Performance Coaching, I can give you the tools to overcome these emotions as well, so you can create the riding success you dream of.
Equestrian Performance Coaching sessions are held off the horse over the phone.
To book a coaching session or to make an enquiry email info @dressageplus.com.au