by daniadmin | Mar 19, 2020 | Competition, Mindset
In the 92nd episode of Unstoppable Equestrian, I share with you a competition planning tool to help you feel organised on competition day. This is a planning tool I use as soon as I get my times for a competition and it makes me feel so much more organized, prepared...
by daniadmin | Mar 12, 2020 | Competition, Mindset
In the 91st episode of Unstoppable Equestrian, I share with you a competition mindset exercise to help you relax on competition day. It’s all about changing your focus from how you feel in the present moment, to how you will feel at the end of the event, or...
by daniadmin | Mar 6, 2020 | Competition, Mindset
In the 90th episode of Unstoppable Equestrian, I discuss how to shift your competition expectations to reduce overwhelm and pressure on competition day. Watch this week’s video and learn more! Enjoy your next ride! Danielle P.S. If you missed the last episode of...
by daniadmin | Feb 26, 2020 | Competition, Mindset
In the 89th episode of Unstoppable Equestrian, I talk about the two main reasons we experience competition nerves and explain where they really come from. Fear of falling off or having an injury at a competition – A physical fearFear of what others will think, being...
by daniadmin | Oct 31, 2019 | Competition, Mindset
In the 88th episode of Unstoppable Equestrian, I share the fourth of five Competition Warm Up Tips. How you can start to create a belief that you can change any bad warm up ride into a good one in minutes! When your warm up ride isn’t going well, having that...
by daniadmin | Oct 25, 2019 | Competition, Mindset
In the 87th episode of Unstoppable Equestrian, I share the third of five Competition Warm Up Tips. This tip I talk about the importance to develop and practice your ability to focus and ride in the moment in your warm ups. To be honest this practice is super important...
by daniadmin | Oct 17, 2019 | Competition
In the 86th episode of Unstoppable Equestrian, I share the second of five Competition Warm Up Tips. This tip I talk about the importance to RIDE in your warm ups and lead your horse, rather than what often happens when we feel overwhelmed with performance nerves or...
by daniadmin | Oct 10, 2019 | Competition
In the 85th episode of Unstoppable Equestrian, I share the first of five Competition Warm Up Tips. This tip I explain the 3 types of Warm Up Riders you find at Competitions. These 3 different riders are the states we can show up in when we are not riding at our best...
by daniadmin | Oct 4, 2019 | Personal Stroy, Riding Skills
In the 84th episode of Unstoppable Equestrian, I share with you my learnings in a clinic with Stefan Wolff that I recently attended. This video is a little bit different; I am sharing with you my experience and learnings I got out of my recent clinic with German...
by daniadmin | Sep 5, 2019 | Body Language / Position
In the 83rd episode of Unstoppable Equestrian, I share with you my final video of my 7-part series where I step you through my Riders 7 Step Body Check Awareness Guide and talk about our knees and feet. This video I share the idea of how you can soften your knees to...